L. V. Savinov, E. A. Dorozhinskaya, A. V. Sigarev. "The Case of Tannhauser": Social Conflict and Secular Paradox

Retraction of the article: L. V. Savinov, E. A. Dorozhinskaya, A. V. Sigarev. “The Case of Tannhauser": Social Conflict and Secular Paradox”. REGIONOLOGY. 2015, Vol. 4(93), pp. 27—34.

Retracted is the article “The Case of Tannhauser": Social Conflict and Secular Paradox” published in the journal REGIONOLOGY (2015, Vol. 4(93), pp. 27—34), the authors Savinov Leonid Vyacheslavovich, Dorozhinskaya Elena Anatolievna, Sigarev Andrei Vasilievich.

Withdrawal (retraction) of the paper is caused by the fact that several publications with a lot of duplicate material were revealed in the following published works:

— Savinov L.V. “The Case of Tannhauser”: Example of the Social Conflict and Secular Paradox. Regional Differentiation and Consolidation of the Social Space of Russia: Realities and New Challenges: the 5th Sukharev Readings: Materials of the National Scientific and Practical Conference. Saransk, 15—16 Oct. 2015 / Editorial Board: S.M. Vdovin et al.; Scientific Center for Social and Economic Monitoring. Saransk, 2015. pp. 414—419;

— Savinov L.V., Dorozhinskaya E.A., Sigarev A.V. “The Case of Tannhauser”: Secular Paradox? Society and Ethnopolitics: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Novosibirsk, 24—26 Sept. 2015: in 3 parts / Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Siberian Institute of Administration; Scientific Editor L.V. Savinov. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of SibAGS, 2015. Part 1. pp. 207—213;

— Savinov L.V., Dorozhinskaya E.A., Sigarev A.V. “The Case of Tannhauser”: Secular Paradox and Legal Collision. Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series: Political Science. Religious Studies. 2016. Vol. 15. pp. 76—86.

L. V. Savinov, E. A. Dorozhinskaya, A. V. Sigarev. "The Case of Tannhauser": Social Conflict and Secular Paradox

Key words: religion, state, law, sacred, secular, conflict, religious symbol, the Russian Orthodox Church, Tannhauser

The paper discusses ethical and socio-political aspects of the conflict between Orthodox activists and the authors of the opera Tannhauser of R. Vagner at the Novosibirsk state academic opera and ballet theatre. Attention is drawn to the possibilities and limitations of the Russian Orthodox Church "entering" the secular space of culture and art. On the basis of the court decisions and public discussion accompanying the resonant situation, the authors identify the causes and consequences of the conflict.

The paper discusses ethical and socio-political aspects of the conflict between Orthodox activists and the authors of the opera Tannhauser at the Novosibirsk state academic opera and ballet theatre. Attention is drawn to the possibilities and limitations of the Church "entering" the secular space of culture and art. Of course, issues of interpretation and evaluation of situations developing in modern society and associated with the religious perception of the world will always be controversial because of the insurmountable subjectivity of the relationship (both individual and collective), and because of the uncertainty of the boundaries of "private" religious rights. On the basis of the prevailing practices, it is logical to assume that religious representatives can not do without protest over certain social events. That is the way the relations at the present stage of Russian society development are. But in the conflicts, the process should not have meaning dominance over the result, and the result of such conflicts must inevitably be a compromise. The time has therefore come to form a mechanism to achieve a compromise between public and religious institutions without "automatic" appeal to the state and its organs.

On the basis of court decisions and public discussion accompanying the resonant situation, the authors identify the causes and consequences of the conflict. "The case of Tannhauser" showed a high level of proneness to conflict of the modern Russian society in the area of contact of the sacred and institutional understanding of the role of the Church as a social institution in the postmodern conditions.

SAVINOV Leonid Vyacheslavovich, Dean of Public and Municipal Administration Department, Siberian Institute of Management — Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation).

DOROZHINSKAYA Elena Anatolievna, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, Dean of Law Department, Siberian Institute of Management — Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation).

SIGAREV Andrei Vasilievich, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Siberian Institute of Management — Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation).


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