T. V. Zadorova. Assessment of Regional Differences in the Unemployment Rates in the Volga Federal District

UDC 331.526(470.4)

T. V. Zadorova. Assessment of Regional Differences in the Unemployment Rates in the Volga Federal District

ZADOROVA Tatiana Vitalievna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Corporate Administration, Cheboksary Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Cheboksary, Russian Federation) (e-mail: tativiti@yandex.ru). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7954-6377

Key words: region, federal district, employment, unemployment, labor market

Abstract. The paper considers the indicators characterizing the state of the labor market in the regions of the Volga Federal District. The levels of differentiation of the regions according to the supply and demand of labor and the wage level were analyzed.

Synopsis. Introduction: the state policy in the labor market should focus on promoting employment providing social protection against unemployment. The state social employment guarantees should be equally available to the entire population of Russia. Therefore, the study of regional differences in the labor market is topical.

Materials and Methods: the paper was based on the official statistical information on the labor market in the regions of the Volga Federal District. The study used the methods of comparison as well as the economic and statistical methods.

Results: the obtained results reflect the regional differences in the state of labor markets in the Volga Federal District.

Discussion and Conclusions: differences in the level of demand and supply of labor, wages of workers in regional labor markets were exposed; the most differing indicators were identified. The conclusion was made about the heterogeneity of the regions of the Volga Federal District in terms of the considered indicators of the labor market.


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For citation: Zadorova T.V. Assessment of Regional Differences in the Unemployment Rates in the Volga Federal District. REGIONOLOGIYA = REGIONOLOGY. 2017; 1(98):105—116.

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