D. E. Komkov, P. N. Kirichek. Regions within the Area of Demographic Risk: Negative Migration and Urbanization Trends

UDC 316.334.52:314.145

D. E. Komkov, P. N. Kirichek. Regions within the Area of Demographic Risk: Negative Migration and Urbanization Trends

KOMKOV Dmitry Evgenievich, Postgraduate at the Department of State and Municipal Administration, Dubna State University (Dubna, Russian Federation) (e-mail: dkedubna@gmail.com). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-9888-1536

KIRICHEK Pyotr Nikolaevich, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor at the Department of State and Municipal Administration, Dubna State University (Lobnya, Russian Federation) (e-mail: kpn54@yandex.ru). ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1460-8987

Key words: region, migration, urbanization, metropolization, deurbanization, demography, management, regulation, chaos, order

Abstract. The paper examines the socio-economic problems in the current development of the country related to the demographic risks of internal (interregional) migration, and proposes regulatory forms and methods of state management of urbanization processes (deurbanization) for the benefit of small towns and rural settlements.

Synopsis. Introduction: Since the 1990s, urbanization and internal migration processes intensify in Russia. The main feature of the status of these processes has been a lack of control by the state. As a result, today, 2/3 of regions in each federal district, with the exception of the Ural Federal District, are experiencing population outflow. The “runaway” people are domiciled in an urgent (unequipped) manner in the remaining third of the country’s regions, most often in the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg and their environs. For 25 years, such urbanization and internal migration, firstly, has increased socio-economic power of the already well-developed cities and regions, and, secondly, has reduces labor and other potential of the already poorly developed cities and regions. The type of urbanization that now dominates the everyday life of Russia, more precisely referred to with a different scientific term of “metropolization”. Metropolization means migration not only from rural areas to urban agglomerations, but also the outflow of people from small towns into metropolises.

Materials and Methods: the materials used were the state statistics, well-known historical facts, and contemporary research in the field of economic demography and urbanology. The study used the dialectical and synergetic methods of cognition, analysis, comparison, synthesis, induction, and deduction.

Results: the authors’ view on the main issues associated with the management of the processes of urbanization and internal migration were proposed; solutions to the identified problems were blueprinted.

Discussion and Conclusions: the main goal of management is to put forward not an ideologically correct but an effective management solution to a particular problem.


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Contribution of the authors:

KOMKOV Dmitry Evgenievich — preparation of the initial draft text of the article, its revision.

KIRICHEK Pyotr Nikolaevich — academic advising, specification of the concept and methodology of the article.

For citation: Komkov D.E., Kirichek P.N. Regions within the Area of Demographic Risk: Negative Migration and Urbanization Trends. REGIONOLOGIYA = REGIONOLOGY. 2017; 1(98):139—148.

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