M. I. Kolykhalov. Distribution of Powers between the Center and Regions in the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation

UDK 321.015(470+571+494)
DOI: 10.15507/24131407.103.026.201802.296-313

Maxim I. Kolykhalov, Postgraduate of Departament of International Relations, Siberian Institute of International Relations and Regional Studies (14 Narodnaya St., Novosibirsk 630075, Russia), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3137-1889, Researcher ID: A-6083-2016, maxim_kolykhalov@mail.ru

Introduction. Distribution of powers between the Center and the regions is the primary task of a federative state. The problem of finding the optimal level of demarcation of areas of responsibility, as well as that of provision of appropriate budgetary powers, is relevant for the Russian Federation at the moment. In this regard, the example of the Swiss Confederation, which is a state with a rich history of federalism, is indicative and the comparative analysis of the state system of the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation in this area is relevant. The purpose of the paper is to outline the common features and peculiarities in the sphere of distribution of powers between the Center and the regions in Russia and Switzerland. Materials and Methods. The materials used in the study were the modern works of Russian and foreign scientists, the current legislative framework governing the distribution of powers between the Center and regions of the states. The systemic, specifically-historical, structural and functional, and comparative research methods were applied. Results. A comparative analysis of the current state of distribution of powers between the Center and the regions in the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation was performed. The study revealed the differences in the principles of formation of the Federation and the features of demarcation, of the status of regions in their relations with the Federal Center, of the types of demarcation of powers, of the implementation of powers at the Federal and regional levels as well as the specifics of budget federalism. Discussion and Conclusions. A comparative analysis of the distribution of powers between the Center and regions in Russia and Switzerland allows us to contribute to the assessment of the current state of federalism and regionalism in the Russian Federation. The results of the research may be used in the study of the peculiarities of the state system and federal policies of the Russian Federation, as well as in the understanding and development of new directions of regional policies.

Keywords: federative state, powers, demarcation of powers, state structure, status of a region, areas of responsibility of a region, subsidiarity


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Submitted 10.04.2018; areepted for publication 11.05.2018; published online 29.06.2018.

For citation: Kolykhalov M.I. Distribution of Powers between the Center and Regions in the Russian Federation and the Swiss Confederation. Regionologiya = Regionology. 2018; 27(2):296-313. DOI: 10.15507/24131407.103.026.201802.296-313

The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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