А. A. Saryan. Natural Resources as a Factor in Production of a Regional Tourist Product and in Creation of Tourist Destinations

UDК 338.48

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.116.029.202103.562-587

Introduction. Geographical location of natural resources is a determinant of localization of tourism. Based on the results of the research conducted, the article studies the theoretical and practical aspects of transformation of natural resources into a factor in production and consumption of a tourist product, as well as those of formation of directions for the flow of tourists.

Materials and Methods. Materials of surveys of potential tourists conducted by independent research firms, Russian and foreign scientific publications and expert assessments, as well as the results of research carried out by the author of the article were used as the information base of the study. To assess the role and place of natural resources in the production and consumption of a tourist product, content analysis, as well as structural and functional analysis were employed. Using the methods of logical interpretation, statistical data processing, tabular and graphical methods, a scheme of transformation of natural resources into a factor in production and consumption of a tourist product has been devised and the degree of consumer preference for a tourist destination has been identified.

Results. The study has identified problematic aspects of the use of natural resources in tourism, one of which is the underestimation of such resources as a basic factor in production and consumption of a tourist product, which negatively affects the level of economic feasibility of tourism development programs. The role of natural resources in formation of tourist needs and directions of the flow of tourists has been revealed. Conclusions have been drawn about the growing need for tourism with the predominance of the natural component of the tourist product and about the gradual formation of preconditions for local manifestations of overtourism and tourism phobia, in particular in the resorts in the South of Russia. The author has formulated proposals aimed at improving the economic feasibility of domestic tourism development programs.

Discussion and Conclusion. Availability of natural resources is the primary basic condition for production and consumption of a tourist product. Significant costs for their transformation into tourist goods increase the requirements for the level of reasonableness of managerial decisions. The research results can be applied in strategic and medium-term planning of the development of domestic tourism in Russian regions on the basis of their natural potential.

Keywords: domestic tourism, rational nature management, natural resource, resource transformation, production factor, technology of production and consumption of a tourist product, tourist flow, environment, overtourism

Funding. The article was done as part of the implementation of the government assignment to the Federal Research Centre “Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences” on the topic No. 0492-2021-0013 “Strategic Management of Socio-Economic Development of the Territory Based on the Principles of Sustainable Developmentˮ.

Acknowledgements. The author expresses gratitude to the editorial board of the Russian Journal of Regional Studies (Regionology) and to the reviewers whose comments helped to improve the quality of the text.

The author declares that there is no conflict of interest.

For citation: Saryan А.A. Natural Resources as a Factor in Production of a Regional Tourist Product and in Creation of Tourist Destinations. Regionology = Russian Journal of Regional Studies. 2021; 29(3):562-587. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2413-1407.116.029.202103.562-587


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Submitted 02.04.2021; approved after reviewing 11.05.2021; accepted for publication 19.05.2021.

About the author:

Akop A. Saryan, Leading Researcher, Federal Research Centre “Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (2/28 Ya. Fabritsiusa St., Sochi 354002, Russian Federation), Cand. Sci. (Economics), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3652-5701, akopsar@rambler.ru

The author has read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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