Key words: information society, information and communication technology, Internet, typology, information, data banks, region

Abstract. The paper discusses the features of formation of the information society in the regions of Russia. The main development regularities of the information society, due to the territorial differentiation of the various components of the information and communication system were analyzed. Typology of Russian regions by the level of development of information technologies based on the author's methodology was conducted. The use of electronic technologies by the residents of the city of Saransk, the Republic of Mordovia, to purchase goods and services, was considered.

Synopsis. Introduction: one of the main directions of development of Russia is formation of the information society in the country. The current technological, organizational and administrative changes associated with the spread of information and communication technologies encompass all spheres of human activity, transform their daily communication and create new ways of communication. Among a large number of diverse application areas of information technology, bases, banks, storages of financial and economic data have most actively developed until now, while the relative weight of bases and banks of scientific and technical information is still small.

Materials and Methods: to single out the types of regions of Russia according to the level of development of information and communication technologies the methodology de-veloped by the author was used. To prepare this paper the materials collected during the author's sociological survey of residents of the city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, held in 2015, were also used. To process the results of the survey the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 software package was used.

Results: four types of regions were singled out and briefly described according to the level of development of information technologies determining the informatization of society. The main indicators characterizing the development of the information society in the regions of Russia were analyzed. The results of the sociological survey of residents of the city of Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, were presented which helped to identify the respondents' access to information technologies and their use when purchasing goods and services.

Discussion and Conclusions: the conclusion is made about significantly uneven development of the information society in the regions, which later will be smoothed by diffusion of innovation from innovation centers into the "acceptor" regions, those accepting innovations in the field of information technology. All this will be possible in case of active participation of the state, improved training of specialists and increase in investments in the fixed capital of organizations in this sector.


1 Rabota vypolnena pri podderzhke RFFI (proekt № 15-05-02526-a) [The paper was completed with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No.15-05-02526-a)].

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NOSONOV Arthur Modestovich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Physical and Socio-Economic Geography, National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russian Federation), e-mail: artno@mail.ru.


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