Key words: Arctic zone of Russia, region, scientific research, thesis, university

Abstract. The paper gives an assessment of the contribution of educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation to the Arctic studies on basis of the analysis the theses completed and defended by the employees of these organizations.

Synopsis. Introduction: the Arctic, as a special area in the territory of the Russian Federation, is an object of scientific research for many years. This is due to the status of the Arctic as the world "storeroom" of fuel and energy, biological and water resources; as a region that defines the global climate change and has a strategic geographical position in the northern logistics. At the same time, there is no systematization of scientific papers, works and research projects on issues related to the Arctic, allowing to form thematic and territorial distribution of scientific research of the Russian Arctic.

Materials and Methods: one of the tools allowing to fill this gap is the database of Russian theses done to gain the Candidate and Doctor of Sciences degrees. The advantage of this tool is that a thesis is a complete scientific study carried out for 3—5 years to get the Candidate of Sciences degree and 10—15 years for doctoral theses. The conducted selection of theses on issues related to the Arctic was based on the morphemes in the titles of thesis works and key words in dissertations. Thus, the scientific centers where staff members prepare and then defend theses are de-facto the leading scientific centers for research in the subject area.

Results: 273 theses were selected, including 223 Candidate of Sciences degree theses and 50 doctoral theses. The main thematic areas of the dissertation research were as follows: "ecology, climate and human being" — 91 theses, "water and bio-resources" — 90, "Geology and mineral resources" — 37, "oil and gas" — 36, "transport infrastructure" — 28, "economy" — 26, "law" — 18. The organization where the applicants worked were in 30 different subjects of the Russian Federation, including Moscow — 43 organizations, 74 theses were defended; the Murmansk Region — 20 and 44, respectively; St. Petersburg — 19 and 30, respectively; the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) — 17 and 22, respectively; the Arkhangelsk Region — 15 and 23, respectively.

Discussion and Conclusions: the ranking of the contribution of educational and research organizations to the Arctic studies was carried out according to the number of theses prepared and defended by the organizations employees, which serves as an integral indicator of the scientific impact of the Arctic studies. Among the organizations most actively engaged in the Arctic studies in all subject areas are: Lomonosov Moscow State University

(20 theses), Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (9 theses), Murmansk State Technical University (9 theses), Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (8 theses), Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (7 theses), Petrozavodsk State University (7 theses).


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GURTOV Valery Alekseyevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Full Professor, Director of the Center for Budget Monitoring, Petrozavodsk State University (Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation), e-mail: vgurt@psu.karelia.ru.

PAKHOMOV Sergei Ivanovich, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Department for Certification of Scientific and Academic Staff, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Federation), e-mail: d13@mon.gov.ru.


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